Posts tagged acid reflux meal plan
Kicking the Coffee Habit: What to Do When Your Coffee Gives You Heartburn

For many people, coffee is the lifeblood of their morning rituals. Its rich, bold taste and pleasant aroma make rising for the day an actually manageable feat, touching the soul at the first sip, as many say. But for some unlucky few, drinking coffee causes coffee heartburn or acid reflux. There are a few solutions out that may help you reduce your heartburn while still enjoying your morning cup. But they’re not for . That’s when it may be time to call it quits.

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Diet For Acid Reflux: 10 Meal Plan Ideas To Get You Losing Weight

Losing weight can be difficult when exercising only makes your acid reflux worse, and dieting with acid reflux just seems too complicated to even attempt. We know it can be tough, but with just a little thought and creativity you could be well on your way to a healthier you. Here are 10 meal plan ideas to help you lose weight while keeping your acid reflux in check.

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Understanding Your Triggers: Ways To Identify Foods That Cause Heartburn

Heartburn triggers are exactly what they sound like: something that exacerbates your system and results in painful heartburn. For most patients these triggers are diet based, and it’s crucial that you identify the foods that trigger your heartburn so you can make healthy lifestyle choices to eliminate your pain and suffering. This is your guide to finding those triggers.

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3 Acid Reflux-Friendly Dinner Recipes for Valentine's Day

While a delicious Valentine’s spread might sound like a dream for some, for people with GERD, certain recipes can trigger acid reflux. But have no fear, we’ve put together some of our favorite acid reflux dinner recipes to make sure you can enjoy Valentine’s Day.

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