Posts tagged acid reflux
Why You Should See a Specialist for Your Reflux

Pretty much everyone has experienced pesky heartburn in their life at some point; however, some of those individuals repeatedly struggle with the fiery chest pain and stomach upset that acid reflux causes. In this post, we’ll answer when should you see a doctor about reflux, who should I consult for acid reflux, and can doctors do anything for acid reflux?

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Diet For Acid Reflux: 10 Meal Plan Ideas To Get You Losing Weight

Losing weight can be difficult when exercising only makes your acid reflux worse, and dieting with acid reflux just seems too complicated to even attempt. We know it can be tough, but with just a little thought and creativity you could be well on your way to a healthier you. Here are 10 meal plan ideas to help you lose weight while keeping your acid reflux in check.

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What Does The Esophagus Do? A Complete Overview Of The Esophagus

If you’ve recently been diagnosed with GERD, achalasia, chronic acid reflux, or another related disorder, you may be hearing a flurry of terms that you’re unfamiliar with. Today we’re going over the very basics esophagus function and terminology so that the next time you talk to your reflux specialist, you’ll know a bit more about how this integral part of your digestive system is supposed to work in the first place.

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Weaning Works: Why You Shouldn't Go Cold Turkey With Your PPI's

There’s been a lot of talk in the news about the dangerous long-term side effects of PPI’s, medications typically prescribed for the alleviation of heartburn & reflux. We’re seeing stories about patients who have tried going cold turkey, and it’s a painful and generally unsuccessful approach. The safest way to end your relationship with PPI’s is to wean yourself off the medication.

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How Holiday Stress Affects Your Digestion

The holidays are upon us, and with them comes the usual joys of this season: food, fun, and family. Unfortunately, for many of us the holiday season also brings with it a heaping plate of stress— this year more than ever! This added stress can take its toll on us mentally and physically, and manifest in unpleasant symptoms making this time of year much more difficult.

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