Why You Should See a Specialist for Your Reflux

Pretty much everyone has experienced pesky heartburn in their life at some point; however, some of those individuals repeatedly struggle with the fiery chest pain and stomach upset that acid reflux causes. In this post, we’ll answer when should you see a doctor about reflux, who should I consult for acid reflux, and can doctors do anything for acid reflux?

What Is a Reflux Specialist?

So, if you’re wondering “who should I consult for acid reflux,” you can certainly start with your primary care physician; especially if you have certain types of insurance. However, ultimately, you’ll want to work with a reflux specialist. This is someone who specializes in conditions and disease states that are related to, caused by, or cause reflux…

When to See a Reflux Specialist Over a Primary Care Doctor

So, when should you see a doctor about reflux, specifically a specialist? Occasional reflux that subsides with a couple of tums isn’t too concerning and can be handled by you and your primary care doctor. However, if you are experiencing heartburn and reflux more than 3 or 4 times per week, there might be something more going on.

Some Signs It May Be Time to Consult a Reflux Specialist

  • You experience mild to severe reflux at least 3 times per week.

  • Your reflux symptoms are not resolved with antacids.

  • You have to take well over the recommended amount of antacids for your symptoms to be relieved.

  • You are reliant on daily OTC reflux medications to feel normal.

  • You experience chest pain along with your symptoms (this might warrant an emergency visit, too).

  • You have trouble swallowing.

  • You regurgitate and aspirate your reflux, especially at night.

How Much Acid Reflux Is Too Much?

Honestly, any amount of recurring, predictable reflux is too much. While it may start out as a minor (or major) inconvenience, acid reflux can actually do irreparable damage to your esophagus, leading to severe complication as intense as esophageal cancer. There are several complications of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease, or persistent acid reflux) that you can avoid with some simple fixes.

What to Look for In a Reflux Specialist

The most important thing to look for is a doctor that understands your condition and is able to give you clear solutions, all while connecting with you on a personal level. That doctor gets bonus points if they are close by; however, that’s not always the most important thing when it comes to selecting a doctor. Furthermore, reflux specialists also are usually certified surgeons for procedures like the ones we offer here at the Tampa Bay Reflux Center:

  • Lap Nissen Fundoplication: the upper stomach is cut and wrapped around the lower esophagus, tightening the lower esophageal sphincter (LES).

  • TIF (Esophyx): through the esophagus (not a full laparoscopic procedure) the upper stomach is pleated and sewn onto the lower esophagus, tightening the LES.

  • LINX: another laparoscopic procedure that fixes a loose LES; however this procedure uses a ring of magnetic beads to tighten the esophageal-to-stomach junction.

Meet the Reflux Specialists at the Tampa Bay Reflux Center

Can doctors do anything for acid reflux? Absolutely; especially if you find an office that also performs the surgeries listed above. Here at the Tampa Bay Reflux Center, we offer Lap Nissen Fundoplication, TIF (Esophyx), LINX, and other procedures that can improve your quality of life. Get in touch with our team of experts to schedule your appointment today!