Do I Have a Hiatal Hernia?

Do you suffer from persistent heartburn that is associated with general chest pressure or pain? If so, you may be suffering from a hiatal hernia. However, most people don’t have any symptoms at all with this type of hernia. In this post, we’ll answer some common questions regarding hiatal hernias, including how do you check for a hiatal hernia, can you physically feel a hiatal hernia, when should you suspect a hiatal hernia, and how is a hiatal hernia treated?

What Is a Hiatal Hernia?

As we’ve discussed in a previous blog post, Everything You Need to Know About Hiatal Hernias, hiatal hernias are a type of hernia (a condition in which organs migrate to regions of the body they don’t belong) that occurs in the diaphragm. Hiatal hernias can be caused by a number of factors, the most common being increased pressure on the diaphragm from obesity, pregnancy, or other internal factors.

Can You Physically Feel a Hiatal Hernia?

It’s not impossible for patients to be able to feel if they have a hiatal hernia internally; however, the majority of hiatal hernias present without symptoms. If you are able to feel your hernia, it might feel like pressure or pain in your chest. You will also likely experience regular heartburn, regardless of what you eat or drink. Since general, recurring heartburn can be assumed when the patient actually has a hernia, it’s important to bring up your heartburn symptoms with your doctor.

When Should You Suspect a Hiatal Hernia?

If you have acid reflux symptoms that do not respond as well as expected to normal heartburn treatments, it might be time to see a specialist - regardless of whether or not you suspect that you might have a hiatal hernia. Acid reflux that persists and is not sufficiently treated can cause issues in the future. You may not even suspect a hiatal hernia, but your symptoms are still worth investigating.

How Do You Check for a Hiatal Hernia?

You can’t check yourself for a hiatal hernia; combined with the fact that many go undetected, this makes hiatal hernias a pretty serious risk factor for GERD and the complications associated with this condition can be life-threatening. If you suffer from acid reflux on a regular basis, the bottom line is that you need to see your doctor or a reflux specialist in order to stay healthy and minimize your future risks. Your doctor will probably use x-rays, upper endoscopy, or esophageal manometry to check your hiatus.

How Is a Hiatal Hernia Treated?

If your hiatal hernia requires treatment, your doctor will recommend surgical repair. Unfortunately, since this is a physical issue in the diaphragm, surgery is the only logical repair option. If your hiatal hernia was initiated by pregnancy or something else that is reversible, your doctor may want you to wait and see if giving birth or lifestyle changes can reverse your hernia. However, expect to talk about surgery if you are diagnosed with a hiatal hernia.

How Do I See a Reflux Specialist in Tampa Bay?

Here at the Tampa Bay Reflux Center, we have a team of reflux specialists on staff that can help you detect, diagnose, and treat your reflux woes. If you either suspect a hiatal hernia or simply have recurring heartburn that you haven’t been able to get under control with lifestyle changes and simple OTC solutions, get in touch with us today!