Posts tagged heartburn
Heartburn Or A Heart Attack? The Definitive Guide To Knowing Whether You're Dying Or Just Need A Tums

You wake up in the middle of the night to pain radiating from your chest. Could this be it? Are you about to take the plunge into the unknown and say your final goodbyes to the ones you love? It’s possible…or maybe you just need to take a Tums and lay off the buffalo wings before b

The scenario sounds almost laughable, but if you’ve ever suffered from severe chronic heartburn you’ll understand that a heart attack and heartburn have very similar symptoms, which makes it confusing and alarming to determine what’s happening if you start experiencing them. It’s not uncommon for people to mistake severe heartburn for a heart attack, or vice versa.

The following list will help make the differences a little clearer.

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4 Tips For Avoiding Heartburn Over The Holidays

There’s a lot to love about the holiday season, but holiday heartburn isn't one of them. We’ve all been there before, whether it’s after you finish up that third serving of the Christmas "roast beast" or once the stress of your in-laws coming to visit sets in.

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10 Foods That Trigger Acid Reflux

Acid reflux affects millions of Americans every day. Symptoms of acid reflux and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) are uncomfortable and can interfere with your everyday life. While specific triggers for acid reflux vary from person to person, there are notable trigger foods and drinks you can avoid to alleviate the effects of your acid reflux or GERD.

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Understanding Your Achalasia Treatment Options

Have you found yourself finding it difficult to swallow lately? If it’s been accompanied by chest pain, severe heartburn, or persistent regurgitation, you might have achalasia. This condition affects approximately 1 in 10,000 people whose achalasia symptoms range from mild discomfort while eating to extreme pain and malnutrition. If you suspect that you have a gastrointestinal issue like achalasia, one of our reflux experts can help you get a diagnosis.

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What Does The Esophagus Do? A Complete Overview Of The Esophagus

If you’ve recently been diagnosed with GERD, achalasia, chronic acid reflux, or another related disorder, you may be hearing a flurry of terms that you’re unfamiliar with. Today we’re going over the very basics esophagus function and terminology so that the next time you talk to your reflux specialist, you’ll know a bit more about how this integral part of your digestive system is supposed to work in the first place.

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