Posts tagged causes of heartburn
How To Stop The Holiday Heartburn: 8 Foods to Avoid

Wondering why do I always get heartburn at Christmas? Holidays are notoriously a bad time for heartburn, especially for GERD patients. As we indulge in lots of (not-so-healthy) holiday foods, our stomachs respond with some nasty reflux symptoms. So here's 8 holiday foods you can enjoy instead to prevent acid reflux!

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Understanding Your Achalasia Treatment Options

Have you found yourself finding it difficult to swallow lately? If it’s been accompanied by chest pain, severe heartburn, or persistent regurgitation, you might have achalasia. This condition affects approximately 1 in 10,000 people whose achalasia symptoms range from mild discomfort while eating to extreme pain and malnutrition. If you suspect that you have a gastrointestinal issue like achalasia, one of our reflux experts can help you get a diagnosis.

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5 Surprising Causes of Heartburn

Most people associate heartburn with spicy or greasy foods, often paired with hearty favorites like tomato sauce. Many also assume heartburn is something that only happens to those who are overweight or pregnant. And while these all certainly can be causes of heartburn, as anyone who suffers from chronic reflux or GERD can tell you, they’re far from the only ones. In fact, there are some key culprits of heartburn that might actually surprise you.

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