Posts tagged why does heartburn happen
Diagnosing Reflux: What Is An Esophageal Manometry

For patients with recurring reflux attacks, daily life can be a struggle. If you have started the process of solving your reflux issues, your doctor has likely mentioned gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) to you. To diagnose you with GERD and rule out more severe afflictions, your reflux specialist will likely want to perform an esophageal manometry— one of four diagnosing tools that we have in our toolkit here at the Tampa Bay Reflux Center.

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5 Surprising Causes of Heartburn

Most people associate heartburn with spicy or greasy foods, often paired with hearty favorites like tomato sauce. Many also assume heartburn is something that only happens to those who are overweight or pregnant. And while these all certainly can be causes of heartburn, as anyone who suffers from chronic reflux or GERD can tell you, they’re far from the only ones. In fact, there are some key culprits of heartburn that might actually surprise you.

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Heartburn FAQ's

Heartburn is an extremely common ailment. In fact, research shows that nearly one-third of Americans have heartburn at least once a month and 10% of them experience it almost every day. One survey showed that over half of the people with heartburn suffer from symptoms both during the day and at night and more than 75% of them said that heartburn keeps them awake at night. Because it affects so many people, we get a lot of questions from patients about heartburn. Today, we’re answering some of the most common heartburn FAQ’s.

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