Posts tagged barium swallow
Diagnosing Reflux: What Is A Barium Swallow?

If you have been diagnosed with GERD or any other digestive issue, there are several GERD diagnostic tests that your doctor can recommend, among them the barium swallow. A barium swallow test can diagnose several conditions, but we want to focus on how it can help diagnose GERD. This blog discusses what a barium swallow is, what happens during it and what to expect from a barium swallow.

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Four Procedures Used To Diagnose GERD

If you or your doctor suspect you might have Gastroesophageal reflux disease , the first step to treating your condition is to confirm a diagnosis. There are a few different tests your reflux specialist may use to do this, and which one they use may vary based on your specific needs. Below, we’ll take a look at four of the most commonly used tests to diagnose GERD, all of which are offered at Tampa Bay Reflux Center.

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