Why Is Heartburn So Frequent At Night?

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Do you have heartburn at night? If so, you are not alone. Many people with chronic heartburn often experience it throughout the night, resulting in sleep difficulties. Here is why heartburn seems to be worse at night and what you can do about it!

What Is Heartburn? 

While many people know the pain of heartburn, some don't realize that this burning sensation comes from a particular area一 the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The LES functions as a barrier between the stomach and esophagus to prevent acid reflux. When heartburn is experienced, it means the LES has opened for some reason, and acid from the stomach flows up into the esophagus. 

Why Is Heartburn Worse At Night? 

This explains why heartburn tends to be worse when someone lies down一 gravity keeps food in your stomach instead of letting it flow back up! That's also why heartburn can happen after eating when you're just starting to lie down for the night.

How To Stop Heartburn At Night

Because heartburn is caused by stomach acid coming into contact with your throat and esophagus, it can be extremely painful. This burning sensation prevents many people from sleeping through the night一 they wake up because of heartburn pain or heartburn-related snoring (which can keep their partner awake). The following tips will help you sleep better with acid reflux.

  • Avoid eating a large meal right before bed. Rather than two to three large meals a day, consume smaller portions of food throughout the day. Be sure to avoid high-calorie, high-fat dinners in the evening and wait at least 3 hours after eating to lie down.

  • Try to sleep on your left side (which is the best position for heartburn). Left-handed sleeping may promote a better flow of acids from the esophagus into your stomach. 

  • Try sleeping with an elevated headboard or couch cushion under your head to take pressure off your chest and stomach. This should allow gravity to keep food where it belongs!

  • Take a stroll. Walking after dinner may help you digest your meal faster and prevent stomach acid from seeping into your esophagus.

Heartburn Relief in Tampa Bay, FL

This heartburn lifestyle and dietary remedies should help alleviate heartburn, even at night. But, suppose you continue to have acid reflux and nighttime heartburn. To determine whether or not you have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), you may want to schedule an appointment with Tampa Bay Reflux Center's heartburn specialists.