8 Acid Reflux Myths

Have you ever wondered why there is so much anecdotal misinformation regarding acid reflux and heartburn? Today, we’re going to chat about and clear up some of these myths surrounding acid reflux. Let’s dive right in.

Heartburn Myths That Just Aren’t True

#1: The Heart Causes Heartburn

Most people know that this one isn’t true, but since “heart” is in the name, the condition can be a bit confusing. The word heart is in the name of this condition because the burning sensation often feels like it’s near your heart.

Related: Heartburn Or A Heart Attack?

#2: Reflux & Heartburn Are the Same Thing

This myth is a bit confusing, because people tend to use these words interchangeably. However, the nuances between the two are definitely there. Let’s take a look:

Reflux is the process of acidic stomach contents coming back up into the esophagus.

Heartburn is what you feel when this happens - it’s the symptom.

Read more: Heartburn, Reflux, & GERD: Are They All the Same?

#3: You’ll Have Heartburn No Matter What Side You Sleep On

This is a common myth that, luckily, has no truth to it. Since the stomach sits on the left-hand side of the body, lying on the left-hand side can help you work with gravity to keep stomach contents where they belong. You can also elevate your head and chest with an extra pillow to help.

#4: Decaf Won’t Aggravate Reflux

This myth stems from the misunderstanding about what decaf coffee is. Decaffeinated coffee is not uncaffeinated. Furthermore, coffee is much more acidic than people realize. So, you’re still ingesting something acidic that is going to aggravate your reflux.

#5: Heartburn Is No Big Deal

We’ve talked about this myth several times on our reflux blog. Left unchecked and untreated, acid reflux can wreak havoc on your body, leading to things as mild as trouble sleeping to as serious as esophageal cancer. Don’t mess around with persistent heartburn (GERD).

Read more: Why You Should See a Specialist for Your Reflux

#6: Acid Reflux Is Caused By Spicy Food

This one is a pretty common myth, too. Spicy foods tend to be acidic, but that’s not even the concern. The reason spicy food appears to cause reflux is because it burns. Your reflux is going to feel that much worse when it happens if you ate spicy foods.

#7: Medication Will Fix Your Acid Reflux

We wish this wasn’t a myth for your sake. However, all reflux medications do is cover up the real problem and get you to become reliant upon that medication. Over time, your body will become used to taking heartburn medications – it reacts by producing more stomach acid.

The only real way to stop reflux is surgery. Read more about your options here: 3 Acid Reflux Surgery Options That Can Change Your Life

#8: Only Unhealthy People Get Reflux

It’s known that there’s a link between reflux and being overweight, but not all people who have heartburn issues are overweight. Some of them are (or were) pregnant, and some of them have just had circumstances or conditions that affected the LES or gave them a hiatal hernia.

Got Reflux? Visit the Tampa Bay Reflux Center

Are you wondering “what are the biggest triggers for acid reflux” or “how can I stop my acid reflux?” How do you know if you have acid reflux, and what are your options for fixing it? Here at the Tampa Bay Reflux Center, we work with patients to get answers to all of these questions. Schedule an appointment with us today to chat with a specialist.
