Smoking, Drinking and GERD: What’s the Link?

While several factors contribute to the development of GERD, smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol have been identified as significant triggers. Today, we will answer several of your questions about these factors: “how do alcohol and smoking cause GERD,” “can GERD be triggered by alcohol,” and “can quitting smoking cure GERD?” Let’s dive right in.

The Link between Smoking, Drinking, and GERD

So, how do smoking and drinking cause GERD? Unfortunately, both smoking and drinking alcohol can weaken the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), the muscle responsible for preventing stomach acid from flowing back into the esophagus. Smoking stimulates the production of stomach acid and relaxes the LES, making it easier for acid to reflux. 

Similarly, can GERD be triggered by alcohol? It definitely can. Alcohol can relax the LES and increase acid production, exacerbating GERD symptoms. So, while a single smoke or glass of whiskey won’t cause your condition, it can certainly contribute over time.

Is It Smoking or Drinking?

Determining whether smoking or drinking is the primary cause of reflux can be challenging. In some cases, both factors may contribute to GERD. However, individuals may notice patterns in their symptoms. Keeping a journal to track symptom patterns can be helpful in identifying the root cause.

Keep in mind that, aside from aggravating GERD symptoms, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can lead to several additional complications:

  • Esophageal damage

  • Increased esophageal cancer risk

  • Slower healing

  • Esophageal irritation

  • Esophageal inflammation

  • Increased esophagitis risk

Can Quitting Smoking Cure GERD?

While quitting smoking can greatly improve symptoms and reduce the severity of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), it may not necessarily cure the condition entirely, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. While smoking is a known trigger for GERD, there can be other factors contributing to its development as well, such as diet, obesity, and certain medications.

Will Stopping Drinking Cure GERD?

Stopping drinking alcohol can have a significant positive impact on managing and reducing the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). While it may not guarantee a complete cure for GERD, quitting drinking can greatly improve your condition. As mentioned above, you likely have other factors contributing to your GERD.

Related: Acid Reflux-Friendly Drink Recipes

Tips to Help You Quit Smoking & Drinking:

#1: Seek Support

Reach out to friends, family, or support groups to help you through the quitting process. Having a support system can provide encouragement and accountability.

#2: Set a Quit Date

Choose a specific date to quit smoking and drinking, and mentally prepare yourself for the challenges that may arise. This commitment can increase your chances of success.

#3: Find Healthy Coping Mechanisms

Smoking and drinking often serve as stress relievers. Identify healthier alternatives such as exercise, meditation, or engaging in hobbies to manage stress.

#4: Avoid Triggers

Steer clear of situations or environments that may tempt you to smoke or drink. Modify your routines to minimize exposure to these triggers.

#5: Stay Hydrated and Eat Well

Drinking plenty of water and maintaining a balanced diet can help alleviate cravings and reduce the risk of GERD symptoms.

Once You’ve Quit, Take Time to Heal

Remember that, even after you’ve quit smoking and drinking, your body will still be in inflammation mode. To help your body repair, use the following tips:

  1. Eat a gentle diet that avoids spicy, greasy foods.

  2. Try portion control to avoid overeating.

  3. Stay upright after meals.

  4. Elevate the head of your bed by about 6-8 inches.

  5. Reduce overall stress in your daily life.

And above all, remember that it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and guidance on healing the esophagus and managing GERD effectively. Healthcare professionals like our team at the Tampa Bay Reflux Center can provide tailored recommendations and suggest appropriate treatment options based on your specific condition and needs. Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can help you eliminate your GERD for good!
