How to Beat the Holiday Heartburn

Do you get bad heartburn during the holidays? Why is that such a universal thing? Today we’re going to chat about holiday heartburn, and we’ll answer some of the most common questions about this topic: how do I stop heartburn on holiday, what calms down heartburn, and why do I get bad heartburn during the holidays? Let’s dive right in.

Why Do I Get Bad Heartburn During the Holidays?

This is a question we hear all too often! For the unsuspecting heartburn sufferer, it can seem quite odd that their symptoms show up full force during the holiday season, but they’re pretty mellow the rest of the year.

Why? Well, there are a few factors:

  • Increased Stress

  • Eating Poorly

  • Drinking More Alcohol

  • Using Shapewear

  • Wearing Tight-Fitting Clothes

What Calms Down Heartburn?

If you’re wondering “how do I stop heartburn on holiday,” we have several tips for you:

Rescue Tip #1: Loosen Up Your Clothing

If possible, loosen up any clothing you are wearing. Remember that you can also remove or reposition undergarments, too. Basically just relieve some of the pressure (and don’t eat any more for a little while).

Rescue Tip #2: Find Some Antacids

You may not be at home, but antacids are a very common staple for many people. Ask around to see if anyone has some (or maybe you brought some for yourself.) Regardless, pop an antacid, wait a few minutes, and if that doesn’t help, try another.

Rescue Tip #3: Fix Your Posture

Slouching also can contribute to a heartburn attack. When we slouch, we’re putting extra pressure on the stomach. Sit up straight as well as you can and even stand if you’re having bad heartburn – this will help you be more comfortable when it passes.

Prevention Tip #1: Make Delicious Swaps

If you’re going to a potluck-type party, bring your own delicious treats or appetizers to make sure you’ll have at least one or two things you definitely can eat. For example, pumpkin pie is pretty heartburn friendly! So, skip the chocolate creme pie and opt for something a little more suited to your heartburn.

Learn more about finding and avoiding your triggers: Identifying Heartburn Triggers: Why You Should Keep a Food Diary

Prevention Tip #2: Don’t Overeat

This probably goes without saying, but overeating is a one-way ticket to heartburn-ville with no chance of escape. Be kind to your body by eating smaller portions (smaller than you’d normally have) so that you can have a sample of everything!

Prevention Tip #3: Stay Upright Before Bed

When you get home, you’ll probably be tired. Make sure you stop eating at least two hours before you will be crawling into bed. Drinking water can help empty your stomach, and propping yourself up in bed can help, too.

Tired of Tiptoeing Around Your Heartburn?

Did you know that you can kick your acid reflux, GERD, and heartburn woes to the curb for good? With a little bit of surgical intervention, the team at the Tampa Bay Reflux Center can physically repair the loosened sphincter that’s causing all of your issues. 

Get in touch with us today to learn more and schedule your appointment.