3 Reasons You Might Be Getting Pregnancy Heartburn

3 Reasons You Might Be Getting Pregnancy Heartburn, heartburn, pregnancy heartburn, what causes pregnancy heartburn, how to get rid of pregnancy heartburn, how to prevent pregnancy heartburn, how to stop heartburn, how to get rid of heartburn, how t…

During pregnancy your body goes through many changes, and one of the not-so-exciting symptoms that many pregnant women find themselves plagued with is frequent heartburn. In fact, researchers estimate that as many as 45% of pregnant women experience heartburn at some point throughout their pregnancy, especially as they enter the third trimester. 

While it may seem like a random symptom, there is a rhyme and a reason behind why heartburn pops up so frequently during pregnancy, even for women who have never had heartburn before in their life. Today we’re going to walk you through exactly what causes pregnancy heartburn and highlight the 3 main things that contribute to heartburn during pregnancy. 

What Causes Heartburn In Pregnancy?

There are three leading causes for pregnancy heartburn:


When you are pregnant, your body produces a large amount of the hormones progesterone and relaxin, which relaxes your muscles - including your lower esophageal sphincter. The LES acts as a barrier between your esophagus and your stomach, allowing food to be swallowed and then closing back up to prevent stomach acid from splashing back up into your esophagus. Relaxation from pregnancy hormones causes the LES to weaken, resulting in frequent bouts of acid reflux and painful heartburn! 

Slowed Digestion

Another huge contributor to pregnancy heartburn is slowed digestion. The hormones you experience during pregnancy do a lot of great things, but they also slow your digestive system down to make it easier for your body to feed the baby. This slowed digestion allows your body to absorb the necessary nutrients better. However, it also results in heartburn, bloating, and gas.

Your Growing Baby

Believe it or not, your little one is a big reason why you experience so much heartburn! As your baby grows, your other organs get compressed, including your stomach and digestive tract. The pressure of your uterus on your stomach may cause more acid to back up into your esophagus. That’s why for many women heartburn during pregnancy increases as they get closer to their delivery date! 

How To Get Rid Of Pregnancy Heartburn

The great news is that, for most women, pregnancy heartburn is a temporary issue! The majority of women stop experiencing heartburn after giving birth. However, during your pregnancy you can try some of these techniques to help ease the discomfort of pregnancy heartburn.

  • Eat smaller meals more frequently.

  • Avoid eating at least 3 hours before bed.

  • Dress comfortably - nothing binding.

  • Quit smoking.

  • Sleep on your left side with your head and shoulders elevated.

  • Chew sugarless gum frequently.

  • Avoid spicy foods, caffeine, fried food, and chocolate, as well as other trigger foods.

  • Eat more almonds (a few with each meal). They help to neutralize the acid in the stomach.

If you have additional questions about pregnancy heartburn contact Tampa Bay Reflux Center today.