What Foods to Avoid on Date Night

Date night is a special occasion, whether it's Valentine's Day or any other day of the year. It's a time to enjoy the company of someone special; but for those suffering from acid reflux, food and beverages can significantly impact the evening. We understand the challenges of managing GERD, especially during date night. So, if you’re wondering what are the worst foods for acid reflux, we’ve got you covered. Let's chat about what foods aggravate acid reflux and what alternatives can ensure a heartburn-free date night.

What Foods Should You Avoid at Night with Acid Reflux?

1. High-Fat Foods

High-fat foods are some of the worst offenders for acid reflux sufferers. Foods like fried chicken, cheeseburgers, and creamy pasta can relax the lower esophageal sphincter, allowing stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus. This can cause discomfort and ruin a romantic evening.


Opt for grilled or baked lean meats, such as chicken or fish, and pair them with steamed vegetables. These options are not only healthier but also less likely to trigger acid reflux.

2. Spicy Foods

Spicy foods, while exciting and flavorful, can be a nightmare for those with acid reflux. Ingredients like chili peppers and hot sauces can irritate the esophagus and exacerbate heartburn symptoms.


Choose milder flavors. Herbs like basil, thyme, and oregano can add flavor to your dishes without the risk of acid reflux.

3. Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and grapefruits are high in acid, which can exacerbate GERD symptoms. So, they're not the best choice for a heartburn-free date night.


Enjoy low-acid fruits like apples, pears, or bananas. These fruits are more gentle on the stomach. Keep this trigger in mind for alcoholic beverages, too.

4. Chocolate

Chocolate is a romantic staple, but it's also a common trigger for acid reflux. It contains caffeine and other stimulants that can relax the lower esophageal sphincter.


If you crave something sweet, try a small serving of vanilla ice cream or a fruit sorbet. These are less likely to cause acid reflux.

5. Carbonated Beverages

Carbonated drinks, including sodas and sparkling water, can increase stomach pressure and lead to acid reflux symptoms.


Stick to still water or herbal teas. They're soothing for the stomach and perfect for keeping the conversation flowing.

6. Alcoholic Drinks

Alcohol is a common part of many date nights, but it's not ideal for those with acid reflux. It can relax the lower esophageal sphincter and irritate the stomach lining.


Non-alcoholic cocktails or mocktails can be just as festive and enjoyable without the risk of triggering heartburn. If you really want to have a drink to unwind, check out this blog: I’ll Drink to That: Choosing Alcohol That Doesn’t Cause Acid Reflux.

Tired of Your Acid Reflux and GERD Woes?

In conclusion, managing GERD doesn't mean you have to sacrifice enjoying your meal. By choosing the right foods, you can enjoy a heartburn-free date night. Remember, a little planning can go a long way in ensuring a memorable and comfortable evening.

However, we understand the struggle of having to consider this every time you want to have a special night. If you're looking for a more permanent solution to your GERD, get in touch with us today. We can help you kick your reflux to the curb – for good.

Learn More:How the Tampa Bay Reflux Center Can Manage Your GERD