Posts tagged foods that trigger heartburn
What Are Some Common Causes of Heartburn?

In a normally-functioning esophageal sphincter, food passes through but does not reverse direction unless vomiting occurs. For patients with GERD or occasional acid reflux, regurgitation happens more frequently than it should, causing pain and burning. Let’s take a look at some foods that trigger heartburn, the causes of heartburn at night, and how to handle heartburn and pregnancy.

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Does Milk Help Heartburn?

Most people disagree on whether or not milk for heartburn actually works, or if it just makes heartburn symptoms worse later on. Even more frustrating is that there’s no straightforward, one-size-fits-all answer! Let’s explore the different components of your favorite dairy beverage to get to the bottom of what might make it an effective remedy一 or gas to fuel the fire.

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8 Summer Foods To Avoid With Heartburn

Everyone wants to experience their summer with delicious foods. However, there are many summer foods that cause heartburn that you might want to steer clear of. Here's a list of summer foods that can will lead you to grabbing your chest if you aren't careful.

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