Do I Have GERD? 

Heartburn can be a pesky, annoying condition, especially when it means you can’t eat some of your favorite foods. However, you may not know that constant heartburn can actually be a symptom of something more: GERD. And heartburn and GERD are different, too. If you think you might have GERD, this blog is for you. We’re going to answer a few questions, including what is GERD, what are the 8 symptoms of GERD, and what happens if GERD goes untreated.

What Is GERD?

GERD, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, is characterized by frequent heartburn. As you’ll see in the following 8 symptoms, GERD is a gastroesophageal disorder that can cause discomfort and trouble with enjoying certain foods. For patients with GERD, the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) does not close tightly enough to prevent the backflow of stomach contents.

What Are the 8 Symptoms of GERD?

If you are suffering from GERD, you will likely experience most or all of the following symptoms: “heartburn, regurgitation, bloating, asthma, cough, hoarseness, clearing of the throat, sleep disruption, and tooth enamel decay.” You will also notice that you have recurring heartburn that occurs more than twice per week. You may also notice that your heartburn flares up after certain foods and beverages.

How Is GERD Diagnosed?

You’ll want to start by bringing up GERD with your primary care physician. They will likely want to put you on medication like PPIs or H2 blockers. Keep in mind that this isn’t a long-term solution; if you’d like to ask for a long-term solution, you can always ask for a referral to a reflux specialist.

When Should I Be Concerned?

If you have heartburn every day and are forced to take over-the-counter medications to feel normal, it’s time to reach out to your doctor. Occasional heartburn (once a week or less) that is quelled by an antacid or two isn’t a cause for concern. Everyone overeats or eats the wrong thing once in a while. What you don’t want to be doing is fighting your heartburn to feel normal on a daily basis.

What Happens if GERD Goes Untreated?

One of the things we stress to our GERD patients most often is that untreated GERD can escalate into something more dangerous. We recommend treatment at the source of the problem: the LES. This will require surgery and must be performed by an experienced reflux surgeon. We have three different options available to you: Lap Nissen Fundoplication, TIF (Esophyx), and LINX.

GERD Treatment in Tampa Bay

If you are ready to kick your GERD to the curb for good, your best option is surgical repair of the LES. Our reflux specialists are available to talk through your different surgical options. Get in touch with our team of experts today to schedule an appointment or ask your general care practitioner for a referral today!