How The Tampa Bay Reflux Center Can Manage Your GERD

Are you suffering from seemingly constant, irritating heartburn? If so, you may be dealing with GERD. In this blog, we’re going to take a broad look at what causes GERD and answer some common questions: can acid reflux be fully cured, how can I manage my acid reflux, and how can I repair my esophagus naturally? Let’s dive in.

Common Questions About GERD:

So, What Is GERD?

As a brief summary of GERD, gastroesophageal reflux disease, is that it’s caused by a loosening of the upper sphincter in the stomach – the lower esophageal sphincter. This causes stomach contents to backflow into the esophagus very easily. This is what causes all of the symptoms of GERD.

Can Acid Reflux Be Fully Cured?

Yes! Since GERD is a physical problem, it can be cured with physical procedures. Some doctors will give have you try other solutions first before jumping to surgery, and that’s fine. However, medications and lifestyle changes won’t always fix the problem.

How Can I Repair My Esophagus Naturally?

You can certainly repair the damage that GERD has wreaked on your esophagus, but it’s very rare that lifestyle changes and medications completely solve the problem of a loosened LES. In cases where GERD became an issue during pregnancy or after significant weight gain, sometimes GERD will disappear as the original cause does, as well.

How Can I Manage My Acid Reflux?

Here at the Tampa Bay Reflux Center, we can help you get your GERD under control. Let’s take a look at all of your options – options that we offer to help you!

Lifestyle Changes

While we can’t make these changes for you, we can help you identify some areas you could try adjusting to help with your acid reflux woes. To learn more about these different options, check out Lifestyle Changes You Can Make To Help Minimize Your Acid Reflux.


Another way to help you get temporary relief while you wait for something to change physically is to take GERD medications. We like to caution patients about this method because it’s an easy fallback that does not fix the root cause. You can read more about PPIs, H2 blockers, antacids, and all three in various locations on our blog.

Physical Alterations to the LES

In our opinion, this is usually the best course of action for patients whose lifestyle isn’t causing their GERD or if it persists after many changes are made. We offer several different reflux surgeries, including TIF, Lap Nissen, and LINX.

GERD Treatment in Tampa Bay

If you’re looking for a solution to your acid reflux woes – once and for all – our team of reflux specialists can help you. Reach out to us today if you are in the Tampa Bay area and are ready to kick your reflux to the curb! To learn more about how to select a great provider, check out What To Look For When Picking An Acid Reflux Doctor.