How to Support a Loved One with GERD

If you have a friend or loved one who suffers from gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD, you know dealing with symptoms is not just difficult for the person being triggered. GERD can also be hard on the people who surround them. In this article, we will explore a few ways you can be there for your friend or loved one enduring the uncomfortable symptoms of GERD.  

What is GERD?

Gastroesophageal reflux disorder or GERD is a condition characterized by chronic acid reflux. GERD is caused by a weakening of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) muscle, which is the valve located at the base of your esophagus that opens and closes to allow food to pass through. When the LES does not close properly, stomach acid can rise into the esophagus, causing uncomfortable symptoms such as reflux and heartburn. 

#1: Educate Yourself on GERD

By understanding the symptoms, causes, and treatments of GERD, you will be more equipped to support your loved one when symptoms strike.  You can find plenty of helpful GERD educational information online and throughout our reflux blog.

#2: Help Them Quit Smoking

As a support system for your loved one with GERD, one thing you can encourage them to do to manage symptoms is to quit smoking. Quitting smoking is very difficult, so having a friend to support them during their challenging journey will make it a bit more bearable.  

#3: Be an Accountability Buddy

Whether your friend or loved one needs to lose weight, exercise more, or avoid trigger foods to help alleviate their GERD symptoms, being their accountability buddy can help them stick to their goals, no matter how difficult. Small acts of support can make a big difference to someone with GERD. Try helping them research restaurants before your lunch outings, meeting them at exercise classes, or eating healthier. Making these activities a team effort can increase the odds that your friend or loved one doesn’t feel so alone. 

#4: Make Sure They Have a Reflux Specialist 

One of the most important ways you can support your friend or family member with GERD is to ensure that they visit a reflux specialist. A reflux specialist has been trained to diagnose and treat acid reflux and GERD. This includes performing certain reflux surgeries that treat the root cause of GERD.  

The best way you can support your loved one is to make sure they have the personalized care they need. We encourage you or your loved one to contact a reflux specialist and set up an appointment today!