All of Your (Burning) Heartburn FAQs: Answered

Heartburn, also known as acid reflux, is a common problem that many people experience, but understanding it can help manage the discomfort. Today, we’re going to cover your most common questions about heartburn, heartburn symptoms, and your heartburn treatment options. Let’s get started.

Common Questions About Heartburn Symptoms and Heartburn Treatment Options:

#1: What Does Heartburn Feel Like? (Heartburn Symptoms)

Heartburn typically feels like a burning sensation in the chest, just behind the breastbone. It often occurs after eating and may worsen at night or when lying down. If you experience heartburn at night, you may aspirate (regurgitate and then breathe in) stomach acid, leading to a coughing fit and burning sensation that can last up to an hour.

Heartburn tends to worsen after eating certain foods or drinking things like alcohol or carbonated beverages. You may notice that your heartburn flares up when you do a lot of lifting, straining, or bending over. These are all signs that you are dealing with heartburn rather than something else.

Some people may have reflux that doesn’t burn but does irritate the esophageal lining. This is called “silent reflux” or “LPR.” If you have silent reflux, you may feel a constant urge to clear your throat, despite not being sick. 

Learn More About LPR: How to Treat Silent Reflux: Don’t Suffer in Silence

#2: How Do You Make Heartburn Go Away Fast?

To quickly alleviate heartburn, you can try over-the-counter medications like antacids, H2 blockers, or proton pump inhibitors. These reduce stomach acid, providing relief. However, you need to be careful with these types of medications. Used frequently, they cause dependency and can affect how well your body absorbs nutrients.

For this reason, lifestyle changes like maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding tight clothing, sleeping at an upright angle, and steering clear of foods that trigger heartburn are more recommended courses of action.

#3: How Much Heartburn Is Too Much? Should I See a Doctor?

We recommend consulting a healthcare provider if you experience severe, frequent (daily), or persistent heartburn, have difficulty swallowing, or suspect that medications are causing your symptoms. 

Additionally, if over-the-counter treatments are ineffective or if you're relying on them often, medical advice is crucial.

#5: How Is Heartburn Diagnosed?

Healthcare providers typically diagnose heartburn based on its symptoms. For chronic or severe cases, tests like an upper endoscopy (a scope inserted into the esophagus) or an esophageal pH test (a test for esophageal acidity) might be conducted to assess damage to the esophagus or measure acid levels.

#6: What Are My Heartburn Treatment Options?

Treatment options range from lifestyle modifications, such as diet changes and weight management, to medications and surgery. As we mentioned before, we don’t condone using medications long-term to manage your reflux; this can cause more problems in the long run. In persistent cases, the team at the Tampa Bay Reflux Center tends to recommend surgery.

Kick Your Reflux to the Curb for Good: Contact the Tampa Bay Reflux Center Today

If you’re suffering from chronic reflux/heartburn that gets in the way of your daily life or is interrupting your sleep, it’s time for something to give. Contact our reflux specialists today to learn about how you can finally live reflux free!